Secret of Success. Drop Shipping

Secret of Success Drop Shipping
Case Study from

For the following case studies listed, some are using our drop shipping services while some are not. It does not matter. The most important thing is that the case studies will help you to learn how profitable of these eBay sellers are. All products of case studies below could be personalized and drop shipped by This means that you can start making great profits with our reseller program, like other eBay sellers shown below. Join us now and learn how we can help your skyrocket your business. Dropship made easy and effortless. Imagine that.

We are experienced eBay sellers with over 5 years selling experience and with a turnover of more than 200,000 items in eBay. The calculations below are accurate and verified. Take a closer look and see which business model matches your needs. (Please don't send any email to these eBay sellers, because we disclose their secret of success here.)

eBay Seller: thewatchandjewelryking, who is selling personalized watches. thewatchandjewelryking sold 12 pcs watches per day. See the analysis and statistics below:

50 eBay listings finished per day, 12 items (including store items) sold at $18.46, total sales: ($9.97 + $8.46) x 12 = $221.52

Paypal's commission, eBay's commission: 10% of total sales, $221.52 x 10% = $22.15

Cost of eBay fees: 50 x 0.75 (0.40 for insert fees, 0.35 for gallery fees) = $37.50

Cost of reseller price: 12 x $6.99 = $83.88

Cost of shipping fees: $0.00

Cost of drop ship fees: $0.00

Net Profits Per Day: $221.52 - $22.15 - $37.50 - $83.88 = $77.99

Net Profit Monthly: US$2339.70

eBay Seller: allstuffe, who is selling personalized photo wall clocks, allstuffe sold about 25 wall clocks per day. See the analysis and statistics below:

130 eBay listings finished per day, 25 wall clocks (including store items) sold at $15.99, with 5.95 shipping fees average, total sales: ($15.99 + $5.95) x 25 = $548.50

Paypal's commission, eBay's commission: 10% of total sales, $548.50 x 10% = $54.85

Cost of eBay fees: 130 x 0.95 (0.60 for insert fees, 0.35 for gallery fees) = $123.50

Cost of reseller price: 25 x $10.99 = $274.75

Cost of shipping fees: $0.00

Cost of drop ship fees: $0.00

Net Profits Per Day: $548.50 - $54.85 - $123.50 - $274.75 = $95.40

Net Profit Monthly: US$2862.00

eBay Seller: elitecharms, who is selling personalized photo Italian Charms, elitecharms sold about 60 individual photo charms per day. See the analysis and statistics below:

100 eBay listings finished per day, 60 italian charms (including store items) sold at $3.00, with 1.00 shipping fees average, total sales: ($3.00 + $1.00) x 60 = $240.00

Paypal's commission, eBay's commission: 10% of total sales, $240.00 x 10% = $24.00

Cost of eBay fees: 100 x 0.70 (0.35 for insert fees, 0.35 for gallery fees) = $70.00

Cost of reseller price: 60 x $1.00 = $60.00

Cost of shipping fees: $0.00

Cost of drop ship fees: $0.00

Net Profits Per Day: $240.00 - $24.00 - $70.00 - $60.00 = $86.00

Net Profit Monthly: US$2,580.00

eBay Seller: mummys_treehouse, who is selling personalized car window sign in eBay UK. mummys_treehouse sold 20 pcs of car window sign per day. See the analysis and statistics below:

12 eBay listings finished per day, 20 items (including store items) sold at £1.99, with £1.90 shipping fees average, total sales: (£1.99 + £1.90) x 20 = £77.80

Paypal's commission, eBay's commission: 10% of total sales, £77.80 x 10% = £7.78

Cost of eBay fees: 12 x £0.35 (Including gallery feature and insert fees) = £4.20

Cost of reseller price: 20 x £1.50 = £30.00

Cost of shipping fees: £0.00

Cost of drop ship fees: £0.00

Net Profits Per Day: £77.80 - £7.78 - £4.20 - £30.00 = £35.82 (Exchange Rate: £1.00 = US$1.90, £35.82 = US$68.00)

Net Profit Monthly: US$2,040.00

eBay Seller: ebollo, who is selling personalized text / photo dark and light t-shirts, with single one color printing. ebollo sold 30 t-shirts per day. See the analysis and statistics below:

150 eBay listings finished per day, 30 items sold at $17.94 (11.99+5.95), total sales: $17.94 x 30 = $538.20

Paypal's commission, eBay's commission: 10% of total sales, $538.20 x 10% = $53.82

Cost of eBay fees: 150 x 0.70 (0.35 for insert fees, 0.35 for gallery fees) = $105.00

Cost of reseller price: 30 x $10.50 = $315.00

Cost of shipping fees: $0.00

Cost of drop ship fees: $0.00

Net Profits Per Day: $538.20 - 53.82 - $105.00 - $315.00 = $64.38

Net Profit Monthly: US$1,931.40

eBay Seller: patj123, who is selling personalized photo dog tags, patj123 sold 15 pcs photo dog tags per day. See the analysis and statistics below:

50 eBay listings finished per day, 15 items (including store items) sold at $9.98, total sales: ($5.99 + $3.99) x 15 = $149.70

Paypal's commission, eBay's commission: 10% of total sales, $149.70 x 10% = $14.97

Cost of eBay fees: 50 x 0.35 (0.35 for insert fees, no gallery fees) = $17.50

Cost of reseller price: 15 x $4.99 = $74.85

Cost of shipping fees: $0.00

Cost of drop ship fees: $0.00

Net Profits Per Day: $149.70 - $14.97 - 17.50 - $74.85 = $42.38

Net Profit Monthly: US$1271.40

eBay Seller: earringmadness, who is selling personalized 1" photo button earrings. earringmadness sold 25 pairs of photo button earrings per day. See the analysis and statistics below:

50 eBay listings finished per day, 25 items (including store items) sold at $4.20, with 1.50 shipping fees average, total sales: ($4.20 + $1.50) x 25 = $142.50

Paypal's commission, eBay's commission: 10% of total sales, $142.50 x 10% = $14.25

Cost of eBay fees: 50 x 0.70 (0.35 for insert fees, 0.35 for gallery fees) = $35.00

Cost of reseller price: 25 x $1.50 = $37.50

Cost of shipping fees: $0.00

Cost of drop ship fees: $0.00

Net Profits Per Day: $142.50 - $14.25 - $35.00 - $37.50 = $55.75

Net Profit Monthly: US$1672.50

eBay Seller: adlibpromo, who is selling personalized license plate frames in eBay. adlibpromo sold 15 pcs of license plate frames per day. See the analysis and statistics below:

75 eBay listings finished per day, 15 items (including store items) sold at $10.99, with $3.75 shipping fees average, total sales: $14.74 x 15 = $221.10

Paypal's commission, eBay's commission: 10% of total sales, $221.10 x 10% = $22.11

Cost of eBay fees: 75 x $0.50 (Half listings with gallery feature) = $37.50

Cost of reseller price: 15 x $7.99 = $119.85

Cost of shipping fees: $0.00

Cost of drop ship fees: $0.00

Net Profits Per Day: $221.10 - $22.10 - $37.50 - $104.85 = $56.64

Net Profit Monthly: US$1699.20

eBay Seller: s*s*g, who is selling personalized rubber mousepads and coasters. s*s*g sold 6 pcs mousepads and coasters per day. See the analysis and statistics below:

2 eBay listings finished per day, 6 items (including store items) sold at $5.95, with 2.95 shipping fees average, total sales: ($5.95 + $2.95) x 6 = $53.40

Paypal's commission, eBay's commission: 15% of total sales, $53.4 x 15% = $8.00

Cost of eBay fees: 2 x 0.70 (0.35 for insert fees, 0.35 for gallery fees) = $1.40

Cost of reseller price: 6 x $2.95 = $17.70

Cost of shipping fees: $0.00

Cost of drop ship fees: $0.00

Net Profits Per Day: $53.4 - $8.00 - $1.40 - $17.70 = $26.30

Net Profit Monthly: US$789.00

(Why we introduce this case, this seller only spent 10 minutes per day, then earned $790.00 per month, like it?

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Syarat Supaya Bisa Jualan dengan Fix Price atau Buy It Now

Jualan dengan metode bukan auction alias lelang di Ebay. Ada syaratnya loh, kita tidak bisa sembarangan untuk jualan di ebaY dengan metode Fix price atau Buy It Now.

Apa sih kelebihan Fix Price atau Buy It Now?
Ebay memang menerapkan fitur atau layanan tidak sembarangan. Ada ketentuan khusus agar kita bisa berjualan dengan metode fix price atau buy it now. Kelebihan dari fix price atau buy it now adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Fix Price
Pada metode Fix price memudahkan kita bisa menghasilkan uang dari ebaY lebih cepat dan tanpa harus berlama lama untuk bisa mengetahui apakah produk kita laku atau tidak?

Pada Fix price kita dikasih keleluasaan untuk bisa berjualan atau menghasilkan dollar lebih cepat. Karena pembeli yang berminat mendapatkan produk kita bisa cepat mendapatkannya tanpa menunggu satu hari, dua atau lebih seperti yang kita alami bila menjual barang dan pembeli bisa lebih cepat mendapatkan produk kita disebabkan tidak menunggu habis masa lelangnya.

2. Buy it Now

Pada metode buy It now adalah kita bisa menentukan harga yang kita ingin kan, dan bagi pembeli yang tidak ingin menunggu lama untuk melakukan transaksi.

Metode ini biasa dipakai berbarengan dengan metode auction. karena bila kita bisa mendapatkan fitur ini pembeli yang ingin mendapatkan produk kita, bisa langsung Mendapatknya. Tanpa harus takut kalah pada saat melakukan proses auction.

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Ebay's 25th anniversary

I haven't written here for long time.  just found out that ebay is celebrating its 25th birthday. I knew eBay ...